Guidelines and Key Papers

Guidelines and Key Papers

Sutherland K, Phillips CL, Cistulli PA. Efficacy versus effectiveness in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea: CPAP and oral appliances. Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine 2015;2(4)

Force, Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea Task, and American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Clinical guideline for the evaluation, management and long-term care of obstructive sleep apnea in adults. Journal of clinical sleep medicine: JCSM: official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine 5.3 (2009): 263

Ramar K, Dort LC, Katz SG, Lettieri CJ, Harrod CG, Thomas SM, Chervin RD. Clinical practice guideline for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and snoring with oral appliance therapy: an update for 2015. Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine 2015;2(3):71– 125.

Friedewald, Vincent E., et al. The American Journal of Cardiology and Journal of Periodontology Editors' Consensus: Periodontitis and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of periodontology 80.7 (2009): 1021-1032.

Stein, Pamela S., Stephen Scheff, and D. R. Dawson. Alzheimer’s disease and periodontal disease: mechanisms underlying a potential bidirectional relationship. Grand Rounds Oral Systemic Med 1.3 (2006): 14-24.

Corson, Marshall A., Peter H. Jones, and Michael H. Davidson. Review of the evidence for the clinical utility of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A 2 as a cardiovascular risk marker. The American journal of cardiology 101.12 (2008): S41-S50.

Ravesloot, M. J. L., and N. De Vries. Reliable calculation of the efficacy of non-surgical and surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea revisited. Sleep34.1 (2011): 105.

Spahr, Axel, et al. Periodontal infections and coronary heart disease: role of periodontal bacteria and importance of total pathogen burden in the Coronary Event and Periodontal Disease (CORODONT) study. Archives of internal medicine 166.5 (2006): 554-559.

Sutherland, K., et al. Oral appliance treatment for obstructive sleep apnea: an update. J Clin Sleep Med 10.2 (2014): 215-227.